Floral magician mary bell (6)
Fire emblem three houses (31)
Freezing (7)
Free (279)
Fire emblem if | fire emblem fates (3)
Final fantasy xv (22)
Future gpx cyber formula (3)
Fresh precure (48)
Fire emblem rekka no ken | fire emblem the blazing blade (1)
Final romance (1)
Fist of the north star | hokuto no ken (2)
Fate hollow ataraxia (90)
Grappler baki (1)
Guilty gear (132)
Grisaia no kajitsu (3)
Gunsmith cats (9)
Gunslinger girl (13)
Goshujin-sama to kemonomimi no shoujo mel (1)
Gravitation (9)
Gundam x (11)
Getbackers (1)
Gunparade march (36)
Ginga e kickoff (9)
Gundam unicorn (14)
Girlish number (1)
Galaxy angel (43)
Gdgd fairies (3)
Girls bravo (1)
Gakkou no kaidan (9)
Genji tsuushin agedama (9)
Guardian heroes (2)
Gochuumon wa usagi desu ka (204)
Gundam 0080 (2)
Gundam zz (33)
Great dangaioh (1)
Gad guard (19)
Gakuen sousei nekoten (1)
Genshin impact (203)
Gugure kokkuri-san (4)
Gotcha force (7)
Gu-gu ganmo (1)
Gaist crusher (4)
Girls und panzer (589)
Gyousatsu shinsengumi (2)
Giant killing (2)
Gag manga biyori (2)
Gundam g no reconguista (3)
Game of thrones (1)
Great teacher onizuka (1)
Grand blue (2)
Gakusen toshi asterisk | the asterisk war (1)
Girl friend beta (9)
Gaogaigar | yuusha ou gaogaigar (3)
Gasaraki (3)
Gakkou no kaidan | ghost stories (3)
Getsuyoubi no tawawa (36)
Gundam age (11)
Gundam wing (42)
Geobreeders (2)
Giant robo (19)
Giant gorg (2)
Galaxy fight (6)
Gakkou gurashi (7)
Guitarfreaks and drummania (1)
Gankutsuou (2)
Gundam build fighters try (96)
Gokujou seitokai (6)
Girls frontline (167)
Gamerz heaven (3)
Granado espada (1)
Genshiken (40)
Gun x sword (5)
Ganbare goemon (7)
Grenadier (1)
Getter robo (6)
Gegege no kitarou (48)
Gatchaman crowds (12)
Ghost sweeper mikami (24)
Grandia (5)
Godannar (6)
Ganbare goemon | legend of the mystical ninja (2)
Gotoubun no hanayome | the quintessential quintuplets (18)
Gate - jietai kano chi nite kaku tatakaeri (14)
Galactic drifter vifam (1)
Goblin slayer (46)
Gabriel dropout (20)
Galaxy fraulein yuna (2)
Genmu senki leda (4)
Gate keepers (5)
God eater (46)
Grendizer (1)
Glasslip (1)
Gakusen toshi asterisk (4)
Galzoo island (1)
Gundam build divers (12)
Gravion (2)
Granblue fantasy (915)
Gundam build fighters (112)
Gundam 0083 (11)
Gogo sentai boukenger (1)
Gear fighter dendoh (18)
Golden time (4)
Gantz (2)
Guilty crown (8)
Gundam seed (84)
Gundam 00 (85)
Geneshaft (1)
Girls high (1)
Galilei donna (2)
Golden boy (1)
Ga-rei (2)
Ground defense force mao-chan (3)
Gintama (94)
Groove adventure rave (1)
Gundam (36)
Gj-bu (6)
Golden kamuy (17)
G gundam (26)
God of war (1)
Gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun (13)