Tokyo ghoul (34)
The replacements (1)
Tsurikichi sanpei (4)
Tiger and bunny (54)
Trouble evocation (1)
Tsugumomo (4)
Tenchi muyo (126)
Trap gunner (1)
The iron giant (1)
Tales of phantasia (8)
The ring (7)
Toaru majutsu no index (114)
Taimanin yukikaze (54)
The legend of heroes (50)
Tejina senpai (9)
The vision of escaflowne | tenkuu no escaflowne (1)
Teen titans (1)
Tales of the abyss (45)
Tokyo mew mew (10)
Tsujou kougeki ga zentai kougeki de 2-kai kougeki no okaasan wa suki desu ka (2)
Tera (26)
Toaru majutsu no index | a certain magical index (12)
The last blade (9)
Tokumei sentai go-busters (2)
Tsukiatte yo satsuki-chan (1)
Triangle heart (1)
The legend of luo xiaohei (4)
The legend of zelda (85)
The super dimension fortress macross (4)
Tasogare otome x amnesia (6)
Tropical-rouge precure (5)
Toushin toshi (1)
Tsuritama (3)
Touken ranbu (287)
Tantei opera milky holmes (38)
Tales of vesperia (35)
Tada-kun wa koi o shinai (1)
Tear ring saga (2)
The severing crime edge (4)
They are my noble masters (3)
Taizou mote king saga (1)
To love-ru (278)
Tenkai knights (5)
The sacred blacksmith (4)
Takamare takamaru (7)
The amazing 3 (1)
Tokyo xanadu (1)
Tales of berseria (7)
The idolmaster sidem (9)
Tales of xillia (41)
Tico of the seven seas (3)
The story of perrine (3)
Team fortress (1)
Trauma center (2)
Toheart2 (241)
The snack world (1)
Tokyo afterschool summoners (4)
Tate no yuusha no nariagari | the rising of the shield hero (5)
Taisou zamurai | taiso samurai (1)
Tokyo 7th sisters (27)
The super milk-chan show (1)
Tangled (1)
The evil within (2)
Tanaka-kun wa itsumo kedaruge (1)
Tanken driland (4)
Twinkle crusaders (4)
Toradora (45)
Tate no yuusha no nariagari (7)
Tonari no kyuuketsuki-san (1)
Trapp family story (3)
Turn a gundam (31)
The marshmallow times (4)
The legend of luoxiaohei (1)
The powerpuff girls (5)
Tonari no seki-kun (2)
Transformers (7)
Tales of destiny 2 (3)
Tonikaku kawaii | fly me to the moon (1)
Teekyuu (3)
Tales of destiny (2)
Tenjou tenge (1)
Tonari no miko-san wa minna warau (8)
Tenchu (3)
Tsuki wa higashi ni hi wa nishi ni (2)
Tales of (6)
Toushou daimos (1)
Tamako market (12)
Taisetsu na uta (1)
Tamayura (1)
The hunchback of notre dame (1)
Tsuki ni yorisou otome no sahou (1)
The elder scrolls (12)
Tears to tiara (2)
Toward the terra (4)
Tsukuyomi moon phase (10)
Terra formars (6)
Toaru kagaku no railgun | a certain scientific railgun (20)
Tomie (1)
Twin angels (46)
Tekken (41)
Tales of hearts (1)
Tayutama (2)
Un-go (4)
Ushio to tora (4)
Unbalance x unbalance (1)
Uma musume pretty derby (16)
Ufo princess valkyrie (4)
Undead unluck (1)
Utawarerumono itsuwari no kamen (15)
Upotte (2)
Umineko no naku koro ni (15)
Uzaki-chan wa asobitai (14)
Usagi drop | bunny drop (1)
Uchuujin tanaka tarou | taro the space alien (1)
Uchuu no stellvia (37)
Uchi no musume ni te o dasuna (4)
Ultimate girls (3)
Unlight (5)
Unicorn overlord (1)
Usodere (2)