#371607 - He stepped in and calmly stood in the large metal box that smelled faintly of grease and paint and waited as it slowly descended the seventy floors into the sub-basement he hoped would be empty this time of night; smiling as the doors opened to near pitch darkness. Gayle dressed and took one last look in the full length mirror, shaking her head as she realized just how much her little body was left uncovered by the skimpy costume; she laughed softly as she adjusted her wig slightly then smiled at her reflection in the mirror, “Well girl, its now or never…ok then, lets go show the world the new us!” She turned, still smiling like an idiot, and walked out into the common room just as the elevator dinged, “Now what did he forget…” Her words died in her throat as she saw three men step off the elevator, their faces covered by their costume masks, “Who…?” “Damn, looks like she dressed for us. ” Gayle laughed bitterly, not exactly the response he was expecting, “Yeah, well it se
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