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#533635 - “But you’re the boss, you can give me the job,” she says lightly kissing her way down my body. “Fucking Weisner, he put 50k in an account in my boys names, the manager just called me to give me my update,” Claire growls and I smile at her till she notices,” What the fuck did you do?” “I did nothing, but he did just pay fifty thousand dollars to your boys ability to go to college,” I tell her still smiling,” I mean it technically was him paying for me not to put a bullet in his head and dump his body in a dam turbine but really I think it will be money well spent. I’m a part of this now as much as she is and since you like to delegate jobs to others I want this one.

Read Wife (C92) [Kenrou Koubo (Orimoto Mimana)] Choukai-san no Shireikan-san | 海島的司令官大人 (Kantai Collection -KanColle-) [Chinese] - Kantai collection Chudai Choukaisan | 海島的司令官大人

Most commented on Wife (C92) [Kenrou Koubo (Orimoto Mimana)] Choukai-san no Shireikan-san | 海島的司令官大人 (Kantai Collection -KanColle-) [Chinese] - Kantai collection Chudai

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